Sunday 25 July 2010

How To Get "Casino Dealer"?

I am sure lots of players who already entered Vegas got the same problem..
It is on the District 2 - Paradise City.. you will have to mastered a Property job ie Recruit A Table Game Dealer job.
See the screenshot, please..
Somehow, I have done the job and now I am on the Gold mastery level but I have not found a single Casino Dealer drop from the job yet!
Somehow, I have done the job and now I am on the Gold mastery level but I have not found a single Casino Dealer drop from the job yet!

Everytime I want to upgrade my Table Game Property, I have to use my Reward Points to buy this part of my building..

Since this Las Vegas is still on beta.. please Zynga team.. fix the glitch, specially this one.. I really want to have my Casino Dealer from that job above..

Thanks in advance, team! Enjoy, mate

PS : Thanks to Fahmi for sharing the info..

Saturday 24 July 2010

Arun's Bookmarklet Update - Brawler v3.1

This is the latest update of Arun's bookmarklet : Brawler v3.1
It's one bookmarklet to automatically attack random of mafias and other settings..

You can see from Arun's fan page about this update
Brawler update :
* Banking in Las Vegas fixed and enabled
* Loot now has pics to go along with the text
* Stash owners links added along with the stash link now

I have tried it and love the see the images of loot drops from fight there..
Thanks a lot for the updates, Arun! Keep up the good work..

Beat The Feds!

Go check you Home page now..

Yes, we have this new feature.. will try to discuss more soon..
Thanks for the info, Cohen!

Beat The Feds - Another Zynga Fail!

I keep waiting for the event to start.. hey I want to have those mastery items too! But then Cohen told me about this.. They have announced it on Zynga forum...Link :

What's wrong, Zynga?
Published and taken it back... I hope they don't rolling back my account.. because I hear that some players are rolled back already..

Free Spin On The Slot Machine Game

You don't really have to spend your precious Reward Points to play Slot Machine games!
It is kind of wasting money and it's a gambling game for sure.. you will lost lots of Reward Points and win nothing, on the contrary you can also win some Reward Points..

I forgot to post about this one.. you can see on your FaceBook wall, lots ot your friends are publishing their own Slots Machine! You can win some free spins, it depends on how many lucky spins you made on this FaceBook feed.. You can play for free up to 6 times a day!

You are eligible to win up to 6 free spins per day.

And one can not play from their own posts..
Remember to click on the IMAGE to play, not the text..

I clicked on the image above and arrive on this one.. I got 3 free spins to play here.. it will decide how many spins I can do on my Slot Machine game later on to win the real prizes..

So I started my luck.. ouch, from 3 spinning I only got one 3 same images..

If I click to play, it will bring me to my own Slot Machine game and I can begin to play my free spin for 1 time..
If I want to play more free games, I can try to search for another posts from my friends.. or if I have no luck, I have to spend my Reward Points again.. that's it!

Suggestions :
Don't spend your own Reward Points to play this mini games, play for free from your friend's post on their FaceBook wall.. and from your 1x daily free spin.
Good luck!

PS : Thanks for the info to Jori, Fahmi, and Cavani..

Tuesday 20 July 2010

"Pay It Forward" Group

Lately I visited one page of giving groups on FaceBook that is helping lower player build up items and getting in higher players who like to gift and give away items (what they can afford)..
If you are interested, please come to see the page.. Pay It Forward {P.I.F.}!!!

It's called Pay It Forward {P.I.F.}, it can be complicated but in the end it is simple.

You give you spares away, what you don't need (some of the guys on there needs basic cuban loot) and in turn that person outgrows their items and passes them on. So on and so on.

Eventually, as we have know, you have people giving away new Bangkok loot as they have out grown it, so it works downwards.
It really is a great concept and helps all types of players.

Main thing is you are in charge of what you give away and who you give it to/how you give it.

As trading has been so poor since lotto completely crashed I have turned to giving my loot to others as it saves both time and helps others. Just the other week we did a lotto give away and managed to get 6 of our members vaulted, which is great for new members who thought lotto was impossible :)

I know one of the admins there, James.. he loves to help me on this blog by sharing any kind infos and tips..
So it's my turn to help him now..

I don't have much time to publish what spares I have there on the page and wait for people to reply.. the good thing is, we can just add the admins, be their mafias and throw away our spares to them!
Of course the one that can be used on this game.. not crappy items!

So are you feeling generous?
Go visit the page and share the wealth!

PS : Don't forget to read the guideliness there.. have fun!

Double Fight Loot Result!!!!!

This is the result of Double Fight Loot on the last Must Play Weekend..
Hayden used AttackX bookmarklet from Spockholm tool to spend his Stamina..

The ratio for high end loot is 14,8 %, it is pretty good..

By the way, Hayden said he doesn't have that much Stamina.. He used the in game promo from Zynga games..
I gathered those stamina from the Treasure Isle and Zynga Poker stamina refill, and level up stamina refill too.
You can also get chance to have Stamina refill from opening your email from Zynga..
Waiting forward for another similar event then...

PS : Great job, Hayden.. nice tips and thanks a lot for the kind info and screenshots..

New Mafia Wars Fan Page!

Thanks again to Hayden..
Is it because of Spain won the World Cup so they have made one special fan page in Spanish??? Hehehehe

Anyway, Zynga has announced this on the fan page..

If you understand Spanish language, you can visit the page here :

Muchas gracias, Hayden!

Las Vegas - Coming Late July 2010

How are you, guys?

Today, I am trying to get in Vegas, but still no luck..
It's ok.. I know my time will come.. although I will be late..
This info can be found on Mafia Wars fan page..Naaah, if you're in, be prepared!

If you look at the Las Vegas page now, you can see this screenshot :

So Vegas will come soon!
Be prepare with sending more chips to your friends..

You can see this at Daily Checklist

(Image is taken from Surabaya Downtown Mafia)

As a reminder to send more chips and get more..

I really don't know what this chip is all about..
It surely will become our "money" in Vegas.. but perhaps there will be some various of chips?
Or is it just like Envelope of Baht who only contains small amount on money if you convert it to the real one?

I hope Zynga is keeping their promise about this upcoming city.. see you in Vegas on the late on July, guys! And congratulations to players who already in!

PS : Thanks to Hayden, Robert and Surabaya Downtown Mafia for the screenshots!

Monday 19 July 2010

What's Your Email Bonus?

This is not the first time I write a post about Email bonus from Zynga..
But now I feel that I have to make another post because today I found great bonus from opening my email from mafia mailing list!

Please check on these screenshots :

Stamina Refill

2 Reward Points
Not every email contains great bonus or even bonus.. but not hurt to try to open them.. specially with the "Must Play Weekend", I feel grateful to have the bonus above!

Come on, my friends... use this feature to grab your bonus! Wheeeeeeeeee..

PS : Special thanks to Alrich Desa for the info and screenshot.. very nice of you to share this.. Thank you!

Send Energy Packs To Your Mafia

I have tried this and although I have more than 500 mafia family, I can also see how many Energy Packs I have in stock..
And we have new feature on sending Energy Packs..
Each of mafia who sent you one pack will able to receive a gift from you.. If you click to send "Thanks" to each of them, they will be able to accept one random item..
The rewards are random... always change everytime you send thanks to your mafia..
So make sure you spend your Energy Pack everyday.. Don't forget to check who have sent you and also kindly "thank" to them...
This way can make everybody's happy!

Sunday 18 July 2010

Double The Fun Plus Las Vegas Loot Event

I know that for some accounts, you can not get more of the Vegas loot items from this Double Fun weekend event..But for your information, I have just tried to do jobs in Bangkok and got one item as loot drop! Please see below screenshot..

Although I have found all seven of Las Vegas items, I still have them dropping from job.. and I believe that the limit of each Vegas items you can have is 10.. so do more jobs this weekend to have maximum numbers of each items!

To see the complete sets of Las Vegas loot items, go here : Las Vegas Loot Items.

What if I have earned 10 of each of these items?
Well, you can not have more then... but if you have screenshots telling that I'm wrong with this, kindly share them all..

Enjoy your weekend, guys! On my bike, haha!

FaceBook Credits : Not Ready Yet!

According to Jennifer, from MW LootLady, this feature is not ready yet! Because she had a live chat conversation with Zynga Support team and the person said that we're unable to convert the credits into Reward Points yet..
According to Support Team, the conversion of Facebook Credits to Reward Points would be 1:1.. so for 200 FaceBook Credits we will get 200 Reward Points, but again he is not sure about it.

For more detail conversation you can visit her blog here : MW LootLady : FaceBook Credits.

Until now, I can not give any proof about this new feature because so far I only have 5 Credits.. if any of you has this feature already and succeeded to convert your FaceBook Credits into Reward Points, please kindly share the info along the screenshots to me.. Thank you in advance!

PS : Thanks for the info, Jen..

Double Mastery Bonus?

Hello all,

Still enjoying the game with the Double Fun weekend?
I tried to but hey this is weekend.. my kids are demanding to go outside and refuse to stay at home..

Regarding with the event, one of our friend sent me this email..
Check this, I know we are in a double mastery weekend, but it seems that the double thing affects everything in mafia wars...

I obtained two of the final mastery items from Moscow this weekend but you as can see I have twice each item!!! It's a shame that I already finished Bangkok one week ago :(

Check the screenshot above, please.. He got more than one of the mastery items!
Guess this is a glitch but I don't know if they will fix this or not.. meanwhile if you want to try it, master all the episodes in any city to earn double of mastery items like he did! Xixixixixix

PS : Thanks for the info, Aldo! Thank you!