Saturday 18 September 2010

RJ Vegas - Experimental Bookmarklet!

Just saw this on Spockholm fan page
I feel curious about this tool so I check on Spockholm site to install the new bookmarklet..
Please visit it here :
Spockholm Experimental

The bookmarklet name is RJ Vegas Experimental.

So I installed it and decide to run it on Vegas District 8.. (you can choose any District which require consumable to do each job, this is just an example).
I choose the first job.. I still got some Alarm Code consumables from the previous District so I only lack few..
To master this job and still lack few of consumables, I ran the tool!

It works with no bug so far!
I am thrilled, this bookmarklet is awesome!!!

Thanks a lot, Spockholm team... Again, you proof that your team is doing a very great job! You have to try this if you are so lazy to go back to the earlier District to collect the consumables needed..

So special thanks to Pistol Pete.. you're awesome!

Sweet Readers

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