Monday 11 October 2010

How To Find The Owner Of A Mission

Ok, sorry just got wake up, guys..
I see this posted already on TopMafia.Info & MWLootLady blog and thanks also to Hayden, Frogi and Steven for the info!

Now we can see the host of the mission to quickly contact them if you see any idled helper! Since we can only hold 10 missions, it's important to be able to collect all rewards from each..

Special Agent Dookie from Mafia Task Force has found the way to see the owner/host ID.

You can try a series of way to find the owner posted on Mafia Task Force thread OR you can simply install the bookmarklet from Arun named "Mission Owner".

Please visit it here for more detail :

How to use it?
You need to unframe your window first.. then go to Mission tab and click on Mission Owner bookmarklet.
The link will be there above the mission, just click on it and you will be taken to his/her Mafia Wars profile.
Now you need to use "Switch" bookmarklet to go to his/her FaceBook profile, so you can send him/her a polite message to contact/remove the NON active mafia sooner.

It works fine for FireFox and Google Chrome.
So have a try and good luck on your mission!

PS : Credit goes to Dookie and Arun from Mafia Task Force!

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